CNSC Juniors off to a Strong Start at the Opener
Adrienne Remick cruises around the upper field (Photo Paul Bierman)
Last Updated: 25.Nov.2017
The CNSC juniors got their racing legs under them for the first time this season at the Craftsbury Opener. As we often do at early season racers, competitors skied multiple loops on manmade snow, made possible only because of the tireless efforts of the grooming crew. Women and U16 and under men did five loops for 5.5k and U18 and older men did seven loops for 7.7k.
In the men’s 5.5k race, Craftsbury had a very strong presence at the front of the field. Trey Jones was 2nd, Bjorn Westervelt was 3rd, Jack Young was 4th, and Greyson Davis was 5th. Next, Mikail Tipton was 6th, Charlie Krebs was 12th, and Daymien Ide was 13th. In the 7.7k race, Griffin Wright was 9th and Henry Hoffert was 26th, amongst a strong collegian dominated field.
In the women’s race, Callie Young led the way for the CNSC juniors (and all juniors) in 2nd, followed by Phoebe Sweet in 8th. The sister duo of Marika and Quincy Massey- Bierman went 16th and 17th, respectively. Next was Adrienne Remick in 19th, Jordi Kulis in 22nd, Clare Ellis in 37th, and Sydney Kulis in 40th.
Congrats to all these juniors for getting those first race nerves out of the way and throwing down some awesome races. The Eastern Cup season kicks off on December 16th in Fort Kent, Maine.
See results from today’s race here. And a huge thank you to the grooming crew, junior coaches, and volunteers who make this all possible!