2017 Green Racing Project Ski and Biathlon Race Preview
GRP biathlete Clare Egan racing in Canmore earlier this fall
Skier Ida Sargent on the World Cup in Davos, Switzerland last season (Photo Marcel Hilger)
Last Updated: 23.Nov.2017
It’s that time of year again folks! The race season is just around the corner and we want to give you a heads-up on where the GRP skiers and biathletes will be racing and provide you some methods for following them, should you desire. Make sure to check back here, on the Craftsbury news website, every week for result and photo updates. You can also follow the team on Facebook (Green Racing Project) or Instagram (@greenracingproject).
Cross Country World Cup Opener in Kuusamo, Finland
Traditionally the cross country World Cup season kicks off in Kuusamo, Finland. This year, the format is a triple, with a sprint race and two distance races. Some of Ida Sargent’s best individual start race results have come in the Ruka classic sprint (a 5th in 2014 and 7th in 2015). She’ll be kicking off her World Cup season on Friday, November 24 with the classic sprint, and then a 10k classic individual on Saturday, with a 10k freestyle pursuit to wrap up the weekend on Sunday. From there, the World Cup moves to Lillehammer, Norway the following weekend. Results from the cross country World Cup are available on FIS-ski.com, and live video is on NBC Sports with a cable login.
FIS Races and SuperTours in West Yellowstone, Montana
While the World Cup tends to start in Finland, back in the States, the first races of the year are, as usual, in West Yellowstone. Although the SuperTour is no longer held the day after Thanksgiving, there will be a FIS race, a 5/10k freestyle individual on Saturday, November 25. Five Green Racing Project skiers are in West: Adam Martin, Ben Lustgarten, Caitlin Patterson, Kaitlynn Miller, and Liz Guiney. The following weekend they have SuperTour freestyle sprints and a 10/15k classic race, also in West Yellowstone. We’ll keep you posted on where to find results from the FIS and SuperTour races. Also, livestreaming from all of SuperTours will be available online this season, so stay tuned on where to find that!
Biathlon World Cup Opener in Ostersund, Sweden
The current international GRP biathlon contingent consists of Clare Egan, Emily Dreissigacker, Susan Dunklee, and summer GRP training partner Kelsey Dickinson. They will all be starting the season on the World Cup in Oestersund, Sweden with a mixed relay next Sunday, November 26. The races in Ostersund continue with an individual next Wednesday, and then the traditional sprint and pursuit over the following weekend. Visit biathlonworld.com to watch the races live or to follow the live results. The second World Cup weekend will take place in Hochfilzen, Austria from December 8-10.
Biathlon NorAm Races in Canmore, Alberta
The current domestic GRP contingent consisting of Alex Howe, Hallie Grossman, and Mike Gibson will kick off their season on November 25 at the NorAm in Canmore, Alberta. Check for results at Zone4.ca.
To learn more about individual athletes and to follow their seasons you can check out the instagram and blog links below.
Adam Martin: @adamgregorymartin
Ben Lustgarten: @blustgarten | benlustgarten.com
Caitlin Patterson: @caitlinmpatterson | caitlinpatterson.wordpress.com
Ida Sargent: @idasargent | idasargent.blogspot.com
Kaitlynn Miller: @kaitlynnbmiller | kaitlynnmiller.blogspot.com
Liz Guiney: @lizzie_guin | elizabethguiney.blogspot.com
Alex Howe: @howecow
Clare Egan: @clareeganbiathlete | clareegan.com
Emily Dreissigacker: @emdreiss
Hallie Grossman: @halliegeee | halliegrossmanblog.wordpress.com
Kelsey Dickinson: @delseykickinson
Mike Gibson: @michaelfgibson
Susan Dunklee: @susan.dunklee