June 12 - September 10

Introducing the 2023 Gravel to Graveyard Summer community running challenge! This challenge takes us into 12 different communities and delves into their unique stories using the lens of their cemeteries. Cemeteries are windows into understanding town histories and can provide a wealth of information about the past. Many of our area cemeteries are tucked away on quiet corners of dirt roads - perfect places to run. Come explore with us!

How to Participate | How to Earn Points | Group Runs | Kid’s Category | Dirt Road Etiquette | Post-Challenge Celebration | Indigenous Acknowledgment

The Routes

Click on the pictures below for information about each week’s running routes & featured cemeteries. At the top of each week’s page you’ll find a verbal description of the running route(s) and a link to a CalTopo map. You’ll also see some background about the cemetery and a list of some notable stones & monuments. Finally, at the bottom of each page you’ll find the week’s scavenger hunt question which you can answer to earn extra points. We recommend that you bring a printout of the week’s historical notes in your pocket to reference as you explore the cemeteries.

*CalTopo map notes: Red dots represent the cemeteries. If there are two route options, the green loop represents the shorter route option and blue represents the longer option. To see an elevation profile, click the outline of the loop on the map and then select “profile.”

Week 1: June 12-18


Main Street Cemetery & Hardwick Center Cemetery

Week 2: June 19-25


Village & Common Cemeteries

Week 3: June 26-July 2

Cook Hill

Lincoln-Noyes Cemetery

Week 4: July 3-9

Albany Center

Albany Center Cemetery

Week 5: July 10-16

East Hardwick

Hazen Road Cemetery, Sanborn Cemetery & Norris Cemetery

Week 6: July 24-30

West Glover

West Glover Cemetery & Parker Settlement

Week 7: July 31-August 6

Greensboro Village

Baker Hill & Village Cemetery

Week 8: August 7-13


Andersonville Cemetery

Week 9: August 14-20

East Craftsbury

East Craftsbury Cemetery

Week 10: August 21-27

Rocking Rock

Mitchell-McLaren Cemetery

Week 11: August 28- September 3


Orton Cemetery, North Walden Cemetery & South Walden Cemetery

Week 12: September 4-10

South Albany

Catholic Cemetery, South Albany Cemetery & Rowell Cemetery