Week 8 Results: Tuesday Night Trail Race
Alicia Socia sprints toward the finish line in this week's race
Last Updated: 22.Jul.2015
Over 50 racers turned out for this week's Tuesday Night Trail Race. Ollie Burruss notched another first place finish to help maintain his current overall season lead. Joanna Johnson laid down a fast time and was the first female finisher. Caitlin Patterson is this season's current overall female leader. In the 5k bike event, Adam Glueck was the top male finisher while Callie Young was the first female finisher. Finn Sweet is the current male leader in this event and Claire Ellis is the current female leader. In the 10k bike race, Matt Moody continued his winning streak with another first place finish. He still remains this season's current overall leader.
Next week the runners will compete on Course A (yellow) and the bikers will race on Course B (white). Click here for the full schedule. See you next week!
Results: Run - 5k Bike - 10k Bike