TNR #2 Results
So many rowers on skis!
Last Updated: 18.Dec.2018
A field of 46 racers took on Tuesday Night Race #2 this week, which switched to classic for a fierce 5k on the Challenge Course (which includes a long stride up Kirby's Pass!). In an upset of sorts, GRP rower Wes Vear took the win over perennial first-place finisher Ethan Dreissigacker. Ben Taska poled across the line in third, completing a repeat of our men's podium from last week (albeit in a different order). Their times were 14:28, 15:01, and 15:18.
On the women's side, visiting rower and former skier* Sydney Michalak took first place in a time of 18:42. She was followed by Trina Hosmer in 19:05 and Jenny McIlvane in 19:14.
Full results from tonight can be found here, and the beginnings of series standings can be viewed here. Check out full series info here, and pre-register here if you haven't already!
Thanks everyone for joining us! We will now take a three-week hiatus from Tuesday Night Racing to accommodate Christmas, New Year's, and Nationals. See you when we resume on January 15th!
Notes from the Course:
Wes waxed up his classic skis, while Ethan chose to double pole on skate... use that information as you will.
Of the six podium finishers, five fell into the 20-29 age category... the sixth was our second place female finisher, Trina Hosmer, representing the 70-79 age category. Her time of 19:05 was also good for 13th overall. Quite impressive!
This edition of TNR might have held one of our largest fields of rowers on skis yet! The ranks of those trading liquid water for frozen included a team of visiting junior rowers from the UK, Rio Olympic silver medalist Gevvie Stone, World Championship medalist Mary Nabel, U23 National Teamers Cicely Madden and Sydney Michalak (also a GRP U23 alum), our own Hosmer CommRower Rob Dewees, and our usual crop of GRP rowers and sculling director Troy Howell.
*Is one ever a former skier? We think not.