Ski for Light Winter Trip
Athlete and guide from a Ski for Light trip to the Center
Last Updated: 07.Dec.2017
From January 5th through 8th, the Center will be hosting the New England Regional Ski for Light Winter trip. Ski for Light is a nonprofit organization that promotes the physical fitness of visually-impaired and mobility-impaired adults, through hiking, canoeing, and tandem bicycling in the summer, and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter. Ski for Light has made several trips to the Outdoor Center in previous years and they have been very popular!
Want to get involved? Ski for Light is looking for up to five people who are interested in being guides for the weekend. You need to be an intermediate or advanced classic cross-country skier who is interested in being paired with a visually or mobility-impaired person. You will serve as a volunteer instructor/ guide. You do not need any prior guiding experience, as you will receive the necessary training from the trip organizers.
A few more details on guiding: throughout the trip, two sets of classic tracks are laid so guide and athlete can ski side by side. The role of the guide varies for visually-impaired and mobility impaired athletes. With visually-impaired skiers, the guide makes the skier aware of upcoming terrain changes, offers instructional tips and suggestions, and tells the skier about the countryside. For mobility-impaired participants, the guide provides instructional tips and physical assistance as necessary. The emphasis of the Ski for Light trip is on recreational skiing, rather than competition, with the skier and guide deciding together on the length and difficulty of their ski.
Interested? Find out more from Ski For Light –