Scullers race Schuylkill, take 1st and 3rd in US Lotman Challenge, prep for Fall Speed Order
US Lotman Challenge Winners: W.Vear, T.Graves, J.Graves, F.Mueller, K.Kohler, M.O'Leary (left to right)
Last Updated: 01.Nov.2017
Green Racing Project scullers: Jenifer Forbes, John Graves, Nathan Lado, and Wes Vear, competed this past Saturday, October 28, in the 47th Annual Head of the Schuylkill Regatta (HOSR). All GRPers competed in the Redgrave Challenge Championship Single event; additionally, Graves, Lado, and Vear duked it out for the opportunity to be one of the three winners of the first-ever US Lotman Challenge.
HOSR is a 2.5 mile head race in Philadelphia, PA. If you read last week’s post re: Head of the Charles, you would know that its course was technical in nature with many sharp turns. This week, racers had to navigate through only four bridges and three turns, which were slightly less curvy and technical than the Charles but proved challenging in their own right. GRP athletes sculled into a stiff headwind that moved against an opposing tailcurrent; which, made for considerable chop for the duration of the race. Despite an aggressive breeze, the weather was otherwise agreeable for Saturday’s racing.
The Redgrave Challenge opened with the open men’s event, and was followed by lightweight men, open weight women, and then lightweight women. Lotman Challenge participants in the open men’s and women’s events were given a one-minute lead over the rest of the field. Racers queued up their boats on the downstream side of the Twin Bridges, and pointed their bows downstream toward their first turn: Strawberry Mansion bridge. HOSR race officials called scullers by their bow numbers with ten seconds separating each from the previous sculler.
In the open men’s event, which fielded 39 entries, Graves made it down the course first with a time of (16:24.119); Lado had the seventh fastest time of the day clocking in at (16:53.862); and, Vear claimed the thirteenth fastest time of the day at (17:05.926). In the women’s event, Forbes had the eighth fastest time in a field of 28 (18:30.691). A complete result list is available on HereNow.
The winners of the US Lotman Challenge had the highest combined points over the course of three races: Head of the Charles, Head of the Schulykill, and US Club Nationals. Collectively, the nine awardees took away $28,000 in prize winnings, a unique and important occurrence in US Sculling. The Gold Cup held a celebratory reception for winners and their guests following the conclusion of Saturday’s races.
1st place: Felice Mueller and John Graves, $9000 each
2nd place: Kara Kohler and Tom Graves, $3500 each
3rd place: Meg O'Leary and Wes Vear, $1500 each
GRP scullers are currently preparing for the East Coast Fall Speed Order, taking place in Saratoga Springs, NY. Scullers will have a 6,000 meter erg piece on Saturday and race on the Head of the Fish course on Sunday morning.
As always thank you to GRP sponsors: Craftsbury Outdoor Center, JLRacing, and Concept2 for providing the athletes with everything they need to perform their best.
Article contributor: Jenifer Forbes