Results: TNR Week 6
Vince O’Connell after his race effort
Thank you to everyone who made it out this week to safely run our second trail course of the season! Reports say that this was a challenging course for both runners and bikers, but that did not appear to hold anyone back. Vince O’Connell was our lone biker, finishing in a time of 18:46. Our top three runners were Adrian Owens in 27:25, Ashley Nunery in 33:46, and Lindy Sargent in 36:02. Stay cool and we will see you next week when we return to set personal bests on trail course A.
Next week we will be running Trail Course A. Check out the race page for a map and description.
Please be sure to follow all COC social distancing guidelines and signage when you encounter other trail users.
Results should be sent to by July 19th.
Our goal is season participation, so instead of season rankings this year we will be awarding prizes for participation in either 8 or 12 races! You earn points for completing the course as well as bonus points for sending us a photo of yourself on the day you raced!
***Please note that participation in this virtual series as at your own risk. We strongly encourage following all Vermont Health and Safety guidelines for social distancing and not gathering in groups greater than 10 people. Following these rules ensures the safety of our community and if we receive complaints we will have no choice but to suspend the series. Please also follow abide by posted COC signage, as well as traffic laws when running and biking on the roads; be aware at intersections, travel on the left side of the road, travel on the shoulder, and do not assume cars see you.***