Results: TNR Week 5
Jen Schoen smiling after finishing a lap on the first trail course of the summer!
Our first week back on familiar trails did not disappoint and numerous runners took on the challenge of applying speed from the previous road courses to this week’s more technical trail course. Our lone male competitor this week Adrian Owens set the fastest time on Course A in a blazing 29 minutes! Following that ran Lindy Sargent and Ashley Nunery in 32:53 and 36:25, respectively. Shout out to Jen Schoen, this week’s lone bike who completed the course in 38:43.
Next week we will be running Trail Course B. A couple important notes: Follow the white signs with red arrows and start at the bottom of teaching hill at the AC end of the lower field. Set out across the lower field and up and over the cabin hill. Run straight down the hill, continuing straight on the ski trail until reaching the left turn onto Northern Borders singletrack. Follow singletrack via Northern Borders to Frog to Disappearances to Spaceman to Bullseye to Screwdriver. Take Screwdriver up, cross the ski trail over to Dental Work, then cross the ski trail to hop on Salt & Peppa. Connect to the Wiggle as you head back towards the Center. Follow to Wiggle onto the tread-in-trail on the far edge of the upper field to finish behind the new Event Shed. View pdf map here.
Check out the race page for a map and description.
Please be sure to follow all COC social distancing guidelines and signage when you encounter other trail users.
Results should be sent to by July 19th.
Our goal is season participation, so instead of season rankings this year we will be awarding prizes for participation in either 8 or 12 races! You earn points for completing the course as well as bonus points for sending us a photo of yourself on the day you raced!
***Please note that participation in this virtual series as at your own risk. We strongly encourage following all Vermont Health and Safety guidelines for social distancing and not gathering in groups greater than 10 people. Following these rules ensures the safety of our community and if we receive complaints we will have no choice but to suspend the series. Please also follow abide by posted COC signage, as well as traffic laws when running and biking on the roads; be aware at intersections, travel on the left side of the road, travel on the shoulder, and do not assume cars see you.***