Date Change! May Wildflower Walks
Red Trillium in the woods on the Center's campus.
Last Updated: 11.May.2016
Update: the second walk in May will be on Sunday, the 29th.
We're eager to announce what's becoming a rite of spring: wildflower walks with local field ecologist Eva Dannenberg. Hope you can join us for one or both of these free events!
May 1: 10:00am - 12:00pm. Wildflower walk in the woods near Hosmer Point Camp. On this first wildflower walk of the season, we'll explore the rich northern hardwood forest around Hosmer Point Camp, Lost Nation Road, and the Charley's Cabin and Max's Pond Trails, where beautiful early wildflowers like dutchman's breeches, red trillium, blue cohosh, spring beauties, foamflower, and several types of violets grow. This hike will take us through moderate terrain mostly on trails but off-trail occasionally.
Bring water, a field guide, and a hand lens if you have one. Meet at the base of the Hosmer Point Camp driveway along Lost Nation Rd, 1 mile past Craftsbury Outdoor Center.
May 29: 10:00am - 12:00pm. Wildflower walk in the woods below the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. We will walk through the varied forest types below the Center around Lemon's Haunt and several of the snowshoe trails. We may see pink ladyslippers, naked miterwort, painted and red trilliums, maidenhair and Goldie's ferns, native honeysuckle shrubs in bloom, and a variety of migratory forest songbirds, too. We'll hike around the hilly terrain in this area of the woods and may go off-trail to look at interesting cedar swamp plants. Bring water, a field guide, and a hand lens if you have one. Meet on the porch of the Nordic Center at Craftsbury Outdoor Center.