Buy your summer Open Gym Pass
Ergs, SkiErgs and free weights are just some of the tools available to Gym Pass holders.
Last Updated: 11.May.2016
Even with all the natural options for exercise around Craftsbury, some movements are best accomplished in the gym, with the right gear. Sign up to workout, spring to fall with our OpenGym Pass at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. After you have your annual membership, passes are $50/person per season:
Winter- November 1 to April 30
Summer- May 1 to October 31
Must be 14 or older. So, how do you get in on the action?
Step 1 - Make sure your Craftsbury membership is current.
Step 2 - Go to Skireg and sign up for a Gym Pass. This is a requirement to use the gym, even if you get a complimentary annual membership. Gym passes are NOT included in annual membership benefits.
Step 3 - Check the event calendar to get current Open Gym slots (Gym times are subject to change, pending COC programming schedules)
Step 4 - Get jacked! (Following the gym regulations posted for everyone's safety and enjoyment of course).
No matter your goals, we hope that the new space will be helpful to you as you strive to reach them. Questions? Reach us at