Spring training
Winter arrived… just in time for spring!
Hello, CSC skiers!
This blog post is geared toward juniors, but may be relevant for others as well. Here are some thoughts from the junior coaches about spring training.
April -
No regularly scheduled practices this month. For those of you doing spring sports, focus on those! For those who aren’t: take time away from following a strict schedule, take a break from us coaches, and mentally recharge a bit. This is a month when you can really do what you want and not feel obligated to train if it’s just not sounding fun.
Recover from a long winter of racing. Most of you raced for 3-4 straight months!
Ease your way back into summer training activities, like running, biking, and more strength.
Don’t rollerski yet… you just don’t need to and it’s good to switch modalities.
It’s a good idea to continue keeping a training log.
Most weeks: for those of you not doing spring sports, you should aim to train ~4-5 days. Some weeks you might train just 2-3 of those days; other weeks you may be so excited about beautiful April weather that you just have to get out and do something 6 days. It’s all good.
What to do on those days?!
2 days: ease back into running, as long as you’re uninjured (if you’re injured and don’t have a return-to-running plan, talk to us). If you haven’t been running in the winter, start small and build gradually. You don’t need to do any sort of intensity! But once you’ve been running a bit, if you want to throw in some short speeds and stuff, that’s great. Once the weather gets nicer you can also do some biking on one of those days.
2 days: do some strength. Jake’s got a pile of at-home workouts posted at the bottom of the club updates page.
1 day, probably a weekend day: do a longer adventure! Find something fun to do with your friends!
May -
Summer program registration will likely open May 1.
Also sometime around May 1, we’ll start up practices for juniors, something like 3-4 days/week. Exactly which days TBD, but will likely include Friday afternoons and Sunday mornings.
We know we won’t see some of you who are heavily involved in spring sports, but that’s ok!
General notes/miscellaneous -
Mud ‘n’ Ice: is coming right up! This thing is super fun. Registration here.
Bloodwork: we recommend that all juniors get routine bloodwork done once or twice a year. We’ve had many cases of low iron on our team over the last couple years, which can have a real impact on health and performance. Talk to us if you have questions!
Winter feedback/evaluations: we’ll send these out soon.
Take some time to mellow out! Happy spring!