Racing licenses: what you need and when

Hey team!

Are you a junior or U14 confused about what sort of licenses you need to compete in ski races this year? You’re not alone! Trying to figure out the licensing process can make a trip to the DMV feel comparably enjoyable. We put together a little spreadsheet to try to help you navigate it. Things to note: 

  • US Ski & Snowboard licenses got more expensive Oct. 15, so hopefully most of you already got yours. If not, make a note for next year…

  • For those of you who are new to the game and not certain if you desire the ranking points that come with the Competitor US Ski & Snowboard membership: you can upgrade your Short Term or General membership at any point during the season and retroactively be credited with the points earned when you raced under the short term or general membership. The points lists (NRL) are updated 10 times over the season, so you can change your seeding situation relatively quickly if you feel it is worth the upgrade. (Thanks to Allan Serrano for that tidbit!)

  • we probably forgot something, so ask us about it and we’ll get it in there… turns out it takes a lot of fancy college degrees to figure this out

  • it may still seem really confusing, in which case, please reach out to us. 

- coaches

Audrey Mangan