Training week of 6/3
Otis works with coaches Ollie and Pepa on double pole technique
Attendance form - you got this
Registration: wow y’all are still staggering in. Git yourselves signed up already! Reach out to us with issues re: account setup, etc. We will get back to you even if it takes a couple days.
Hours: are getting big for those of you at the high end. Like very hard to squeeze in without some double days and/or a big OD. Plan accordingly at the start of the week!
Spring check-in meetings: if this is not your first year on our team, you have to do this. And we’ll chase down the first years eventually too. Talk to us to find a time.
OMG Rollerskiing: yeah, we’re going to do that again this weekend. Some of you will be on classic gear; some on skate. See the note on the training plan. [If you plan to rent equipment but haven’t done it yet, please do it here pronto.] After rolling on Sunday, we’ll run/ride (your choice) to tack on some training time.
OMG more rollerskiing: yep, doing that again. Skate again. If you plan to rent equipment but haven’t done it yet, please do it here pronto.
First practice of the summer is this week! It’ll happen rain or shine, so please be prepared.
No, BKLers don’t need to rent rollerski equipment. You lucky ducks just borrow it from the clubhouse when we have rollerski practices.
BKL biathlon starts this week! Hooray.
Junior/U14 biathletes: you should all bring poles and gloves to simulate winter biathlon conditions (this is not necessary for BKL).
June 8th hike details:
Point person is Rick
If you plan to come and haven't RSVPed yet, please do so ASAP.
Meet at the COC at 8am. Leave in COC van
Don't forget passports, birth certificates, parent/guardian consent forms, and a packed lunch.
Back around mid-afternoon.
Sundays will be at 9:00am consistently all summer since that works best for the majority of you!