Training week of 7/15
A glimmer of humor in a grey week
Attendance form: yep, you can do it!
The Mackenzie family needs our help to bounce back from this week’s flooding. More here.
Team shirts! We’re printing up some hi-vis team shirts—both t-shirts and tank tops are available. They’re $15. You can order yours here and try on many sizes in the clubhouse. Please order by the end of the day Wednesday, July 24th, in order for us to have a hope of getting them while it’s still summer.
Big Hosmer overnight is this week! Details here. YOU MUST SIGN UP ON THE ATTENDANCE FORM by Monday morning in order for coaches to plan/have enough food for all. If you have some extenuating circumstances and won’t know by then, email/Slack us. If you want to do some parts of this but can’t do all of them, just reach out to us. Expected cost is ~$40, more than half of which is to feed you in the COC dining hall on Wednesday night.
Thursday: stay tuned for details. Lots of moving parts. If you can’t join for a big ol’ OD (which stands for over-distance, by the way), you can hang here and ride bikes with U14s.
Learning ‘bout nutrition: on Weds after practice (at 11am), sports dietitian Megan Chacosky is coming to talk to you junior athletes. On Sunday, 7/28, during practice (so, 9am), she’s planning a talk for junior parents. Put it on your calendar.
This is the last big week of this block. If you’re feeling tired, that checks out! Let’s get it doooone and chill out next week.
Training plan has a sneak peek at the next week, too. Spoiler: no practice on Tues 7/23. We want you (and us) to take 2 days off in a row!
Additional summer dates for your planning—keeping these here for reference:
sometime the week of 8/5 - day trip to the White Mountains for a big ol’ hike. Which day we choose comes mostly down to weather + van availability.
8/12-8/16 - Lake Placid training camp trip based out of a collection of rental houses in downtown LP. —> ABOUT THAT - if you think you want to go, put it on the attendance form. We’ll ask in more detail later. Cost is expected to be ~$350.
Dry clothes and towels: we try to swim often at the end of practice! If you like to swim, try to remember to bring a towel and dry clothes for the ride home. If you don’t like to swim, no worries.
Looking ahead: no practices on Tues 7/23
Trying again for rollerskiing this week. Sorry to bail on you last week—real weird day.
Back to regular schedule this week.
The Singletrack Shootout is a beginner friendly biathlon race coming up July 27. It's great for anyone in our ski programs. Bring family and friends who want to try out the sport! Racers can choose to Run or MTB. Interested? Details on our website. Preregistration required. JRs/U14s who have been in our biathlon programs for a couple seasons can sign up for expert. BKLers should sign up in the novice category.
Nothing new to report here!