Winter Tips: How To Keep Your Hands Warm

by GRP Biathletes, compiled by Margie Freed

GRP biathlete Tim Cunningham racing in the December cold in 2023. Photo - Phil Belena

Ever wonder how biathletes keep their hands warm while racing (you can’t really wear mittens) or training (think stopping, shooting, reloading magazines, and starting up over and over) in the coldest of weather? Although this editor questions whether it’s even possible to truly keep your trigger finger from freezing at 0℉, these GRP Biathletes share their tricks for how you can do your best to try:

Ski warm up in mittens with shooting gloves in the pocket closest to body (or just underneath base layer)

Tuck hand warmers into your wrist cuffs and try out silk glove liners.

On race day, going through at least 3 pairs of gloves. Always have a dry pair on.

Arm warmers

Keep everything else warm! (head, feet, body)

Go inside and get a warm cup of hot chocolate

Spicy food! and dedicated strength training. Both keep blood circulation high.

Having a coach put spare gloves in their armpits to stay warm

Use physio tape (KT tape) on the backside of your wrist, hand and fingers. Try using 2 pieces that start on top of each other on the wrist and fan out to sit side by side on the back of the hand. Then cut strips at the ends of each piece to stretch out onto the back of the fingers. It is a lot of work but does the job for racing in the bitter, biting cold than anything else I’ve tried. Dry, warm gloves at the start is also key.