Range Safety Officer: What is an RSO and How To Become One?

by GRP Biathlete Jake Brown and Biathlon Director Susan Dunklee

Sam Dougherty RSOs the fall edition of the SingleTrack Shootout

We’d love for more of our Craftsbury biathlon community members to become Range Safety Officers (or “RSOs”). The Range Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring the range is open and operated in a safe manner and that all shooters follow the range safety rules and additional safe biathlon practices.

In order to open our range for training, an RSO must be present. The RSO’s main job is to make sure biathlon training happens with the highest level of safety, not just for people actively using the range but for the whole Outdoor Center community.  We have many folks wandering through the upper stadium near the range; skiers, bikers, runners, teenagers, their parents and dogs in the summer. To keep our community safe, the RSO must be alert and focused any time the range is opened. A biathlete cannot serve as the RSO for their own training session. If they wish to shoot, they must have another person serve as the RSO. 

Bottom line, the more trained and certified RSOs we have in our Craftsbury biathlon community, the more opportunities we can collectively create for more biathletes of all ages to train effectively.

So, how do you become an RSO at Craftsbury?

First, there are some important criteria you must fulfill:

Second, you must complete the online US Biathlon Range Safety Officer Course. 

  • Log on or create an account at the US Biathlon Center and find the above course under “Education,” then “US Biathlon Courses”

  • Upon completion, email coaches@usbiathlon.org and let them know that you are interested in taking the next steps towards becoming a certified RSO

Third, USBA will work with you on the remaining steps so that your competency can be properly assessed and ultimately approved. This usually includes:

  • A zoom call with USBA staff

  • Shadowing experience with certified RSOs

Finally, let us know you’ve been approved! 

  • email biathlon@craftsbury.com and attach your certification

  • If you’re new to the Craftsbury Outdoor Center, we may request that you join us for a range session before giving you free reign to open the range on your own or for your team. 

Once US Biathlon and Craftsbury approve you as an RSO, we will add RSO privileges to your Craftsbury membership in MARGE. This means you’ll be able to go on MARGE and reserve range sessions.