VTYC Race at Craftsbury
Elias Gillen ripping his way along to second place in the varsity boys race.
Last Updated: 30.Sep.2019
Last Saturday, the 4th stage of the Vermont Youth Cycling League Series made a stop at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Seventy-one racers from all of over the state, from fifth through twelfth grade, toed the line. Depending on age and experience, competitors completed one, two, three, or four laps of the 5k course.
The varsity boys race was comprised entirely of Craftsbury-affiliated racers! These boys completed four laps, for 20k of fast and furious racing. In 1st place was Makail Tipton, who is also the series points leader in this division. Elias Gillen was 2nd, followed by Jack Young in 3rd, and Aiden Casey in 4th. In the three lap junior varsity girls race, points leader Maggie McGee was 2nd. The junior varsity boys also did three laps and Greyson Davis was 6th.
In the two lap girls 9th and 10th grade race, points leader Maya Remick was victorious! In the huge field two lap 7th and 8th grade boys race, Trevyor Densmore was 17th. In the youngest division of all, the one lap 5th and 6th grade boys race, Eli Davis was 6th and Max Demaine was 10th. See full results here.