Upcoming Forestry Talks
A Big Hosmer sunset from above, this past weekend.
Last Updated: 13.Jul.2015
We’re pleased to announce the next two presentations in our summer series focusing on Forestry and Conservation.
Tuesday, July 28, 7:30pm
The Staying Connected Initiative: Sustaining Forested Connections for Nature and People, from Craftsbury to Nova Scotia
Our guest speaker will be Phil Huffman of The Nature Conservancy. Craftsbury’s location, between the Worcester Range and the northeastern VT forests, makes it a potentially important connector for wildlife. How might this affect the way we think about and manage our woodlands?
Thursday, August 6, 7:30pm
Forest fragmentation: Vermont's forests under threat
Guest Speaker will be Jamey Fidel of VT Natural Resources Council. There are fewer and fewer large blocks of forest in VT. This affects plant and animal species, wildlife habitats, and water resources.
These free presentations will be held in the new Activity Center. Refreshments will be provided.