Tuesday Night Trail Races
Last Updated: 09.Jun.2019
Trails are drying out, it must be time to start the Tuesday Night Trail Races! The first race of the series will be held on May 28 and we will once again rotate between two different five-kilometer courses at the Outdoor Center, with a couple of field trips to Hosmer Point (HP) and other local venues. Bikers and runners alternate courses every week, with bikers contesting one course and runners the other to prevent any lapping - courses and maps coming
Once again we will be recording points for the season total. At our last race on August 27th, we will celebrate the series with a post-race brick oven pizza party and distribute prizes for age/gender groups for the series!
Registration will open for everyone at 5:15pm on the Upper Soccer Field by the white tent and will close at 5:40pm for bikers and 5:50pm for runners. The bikers will start at 5:45pm and the runners at 6:00pm sharp. Entry is $5 for each race or $30 for the entire series - annual members and houseguests race for free! For more information about the Tuesday Night Trail Races you can visit the website here - including what course will be used each week (remember: cyclists will use the opposite course each week from the runners).
Come get fit this summer at our 5k Trail Series. We encourage folks of all ages to come participate in these fun races!