Sept 20: Next Women's MTB Clinic
Chris Milliman photo
Last Updated: 11.Sep.2019
Back for summer 2019, the Craftsbury Outdoor Center is offering a series of free introductory/beginner mountain bike clinics & group rides for women. Clinics will focus on learning and honing mountain bike skills in a safe, supportive environment. Participants must be at least 18 years old. No previous mountain bike experience is necessary, but participants must be able to competently and safely ride a bicycle.
Our next clinic will be on Friday, September 20 from 5:30 - 7:00pm. Sessions will take place once a month from June through September; see dates below.
Clinic Dates:
Wednesday, June 12th from 5:30 - 7:00pm
Thursday, July 18th from 5:30 - 7:00pm
Thursday, August 15 from 5:30 - 7:00pm
Friday, September 20 from 5:30 - 7:00pm
To ensure that everyone can learn to ride in a safe environment, each session is capped at 20 people. Reserve your place here.
Clinic attendance is FREE (registration required)! However, participants must be prior members of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Memberships are free for Craftsbury and Albany residents. Individual day membership for non-resident adults is $10 (our equivalent of a day trail pass). For more information on day and annual membership, go here.
All participants need to have the following: running/athletic shoes, active outdoor clothing, a water bottle, a bike helmet, and a safe and functional mountain bike. Helmets are absolutely mandatory. Don't have a bike or helmet? We will be offering low-priced bike rentals to those participating in the clinic for $7 per session. All bike rentals include helmets.