Results: Virtual TNR Week 3

This summer heat seems to be heating things up out on the road with most of our participants running faster times over Week 1! We saw an exciting performance from Adrian Owens, who bested his first run on the Village Course by 46 second — running a time of 19:49! Ashley Nunery, our second fastest runner, set the bar for fastest women’s time with 23:06. In third was Lindy Sargent with a time of 25:15 and who also beat her first run of the Village Course by 30 seconds! Great work everyone!

Thank you everyone for sending us your photos! Remember, selfies get you bonus points for our end of the season raffle.

Race Page

Overall Results

Next week we will be running the Common Course. The Common Course course starts on the Common at the Northwest corner (corner closest to the Library). Begin by running towards Craftsbury Academy, then running a loop around the Common clockwise following the Common Loop, then turning left onto North Craftsbury Road and following the rest of the course. When you arrive back at the Common, again run around the Common Loop clockwise to finish at the end of the school parking lot. This is the same course we used for the Cabin Fever 5k! View map here.

Results should be sent to by July 5.

Our goal is season participation, so instead of season rankings this year we will be awarding prizes for participation in either 8 or 12 races! You earn points for completing the course as well as bonus points for sending us a photo of yourself on the day you raced!


***Please note that participation in this virtual series as at your own risk. We strongly encourage following all Vermont Health and Safety guidelines for social distancing and not gathering in groups greater than 10 people. Following these rules ensures the safety of our community and if we receive complaints we will have no choice but to suspend the series. Please also follow abide by traffic laws when running and biking on the roads; be aware at intersections, travel on the left side of the road, travel on the shoulder, and do not assume cars see you.***

Kelsey Dickinson