Results: Singletrack Shootout Biathlon Race
Men in the expert biker field shooting the prone position (Wes Vear Photo).
Last Updated: 07.Oct.2019
On Saturday, with brisk temperatures and bright sun, we christened the Outdoor Center’s brand-new biathlon range with the annual Fall Fest Singletrack Shootout! Nearly 100 racers of all ages and ability levels tested out their biathlon skills and podium finishers were rewarded with seasonal baked goods. The kids race took place over three loops of approximately 600 meters each with two shooting bouts. The adults completed three loops of approximately 1.5k also with two shootings bouts.
Those in the “expert” categories brought their own biathlon rifles, while all others racers used those supplied by the Outdoor Center and the Ethan Allen Biathlon Club. Expert racers shot once in the prone position and once in the standing position. The others shot prone both times, with added stability thanks to a shooting block.
As always, a huge thank you to all the volunteers that made this race and all the races we hold possible!
First place finishers in each division:
Expert Run Men-Lucas Daly
Expert Run Women-Christine Dillon
Expert Bike Men-Bjorn Westervelt
Women Run-Julia Hermann
Men Run-Matthew Ware
Women Bike-Sara Cavin
Men Bike-Chris Burnham
Girls Bike-Liliana Carrick
Boys Bike-Owen Baumann
Girls Run: Camille Leveille
Boys Run: Taylor Carlson
See full results here.