Results: Julbo TNR #13
Last Updated: 27.Aug.2019
Over 60 racers toed the line for the final TNR of the season!
5k Bike Winners: Jennifer Schoen and Gavin Jolly
10k Bike Winners: Hannah Dreissigacker and Nils Koons
Run Winners: Audrey Mangan and Jefferson Tucker
5k Bike | 10k Bike | Run | Series Standings
Overall leaders for the 2019 series:
Overall 5k Bike Winners: Jennifer Schoen and Eli Davis.
Overall 10k Bike Winners: Hannah Dreissigacker and Chris Jolly
Overall Run Winners: Audrey Mangan and Ethan Dreissigacker
Thank you all for a great season!
Maya Remick and Anicka Leahy cross the line hand in hand.