Pre-Pan American Games Regatta, Day 2
Last Updated: 29.Nov.2018
Racing capped off for the day with the Lado/Vear double (M2x) advancing from their heat to the semifinal. The M2x took first in their heat ahead of Uruguay, Venezuela, and Ecuador respectively. Bellows took fourth in his semifinal race this morning in the M1x, which advances him to the B final. Forbes (W1x) will race her semifinal tomorrow morning.
In order to qualify for 2019 PanAmerican Games in Lima, Peru, the M2x needs to finish at least 11th place (5th in the B Final or better), while the M1x and W1x need to see a 10th place finish or better (3rd in the B Final or better).
Stay tuned for more updates!
Portuguese phrase of the day:
"Maquina na agua afunda" (mah-key-nah / na / ah-gwah / ah-foon-jah)
Machine ergs in the water sinks/ "ergs don't float"