Open for skiing!
Murphy's Field, from a couple of days ago.
Last Updated: 16.Nov.2018
The rumors are true: we're skiing and winter '18-19 is underway! We picked up 11" so far this week and it's still snowing. It's great early season skiing & we're setting track out there too.
Hold up: it's still hunting season. It's a rare winter when we get enough snow early enough for this to be an issue, but it's super important to remember that it's still hunting season and that many trails are closed currently at landowner's request for hunting. MANY of our trails are on private land. We always want to respect the wishes of our generous landowners, but especially when hunting seasons are still in effect. Wear hi-vis, and respect closures. If it's not groomed, don't go. More info.
Where can I see what's open? As always, check out our conditions board at or use the Trailhub app to view them on your phone. Hope to see you soon!
Where can I get my membership? Membership runs from 1 November to 31 October, so it's time to re-up. Find info and paperwork at Albany and Craftsbury residents, we ask that you complete the paperwork for your complementary
Rentals? Cafe? Yep, things are all launching today.
What about fatbiking and snowshoeing? All our singletrack has some assorted stuff down on it; we were pushing to get Nordic going when the snow came, and haven't gotten this cleaned up yet. Snowshoeing is an option, we're not grooming for fatbiking yet - the fatbike report is coming soon.