GRP Biathletes Race at World Championships in Norway and the IBU Cup in Italy
Hannah competing in the mass start at World Championships (photo: Jojo Baldus)
Emily and her teammates taking advantage of the wintery weather between IBU Cup races in Italy (photo: Maddie Phaneuf)
Last Updated: 14.Mar.2016
World Championships
This past week racing action continued at Holmenkollen in Oslo, Norway with the women's individual competition on Wednesday. Susan Dunklee had the top U.S. women's result placing 18th with three misses. She had the fourth fastest ski time of the day. Susan was followed by Hannah Dreissigacker in 33rd with only two misses and Clare Egan in 66th with five misses.
The individual race was followed by a 4x6km relay. Susan scrambled for the team cleaning her prone stage and using two spares in her standing stage. She tagged off to Hannah who used two spares in prone and only one in standing. Clare was the third leg of the relay and cleaned her prone using two spares in standing. Annelie Cook anchored for the team bringing them across the line in 13th. The team used eight spares and had no penalty laps.
The final race of the championships was a mass start competition. Susan and Hannah were the only two U.S. women to qualify for the mass start. It was Hannah's first ever mass start and also her last international biathlon race prior to retirement. Susan finished close to the top-10 in 11th place with three misses and Hannah finished a solid 27th place with four misses.
Stay tuned for the final races of the World Cup season starting this week in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia!
This past weekend Emily Dreissigacker competed in the final IBU Cup races of the season in Martell-Val Martello, Italy. Racing action got underway with two back-to-back sprint competitions. Emily was quite consistent placing 51st with two standing misses in the first sprint and 53rd, also with two standing misses, in the second sprint. Emily then went on to compete in both the mixed relay and the single mixed relay.
Emily, along with teammates Madeleine Phaneuf, Max Durtschi, and Wynn Roberts, finished 11th in the mixed relay. Emily was the second leg and used three spares in prone and one in standing. In the single mixed relay Emily and her teammate Paul Schommer placed 14th. Emily cleaned both stages only using one spare in standing.
Both World Cup and IBU Cup results can be found at