Graves Double Finishes Henley in Semifinals
Tom (stroke) and Peter Graves (bow) rowing in the semifinals of the Henley Royal Regatta Double Sculls Challenge
Last Updated: 04.Jul.2015
After an aggressive start in Saturday's semifinals of the Henley Royal Regatta Double Sculls Challenge Cup, Green Racing Project rowers Peter and Tom Graves (Cincinnati, OH) were not able to hold off the Leander Club double, losing by two lengths.
Peter and Tom made it to Saturday's semifinal after a quarterfinals win over a crew from City of Bristol Rowing Club.
Leander's crew was composed of the Great Britain National Team double of John Collins and Jonathan Walton. They move on to the final and will race a crew from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Collins and Walton recently finished 7th at World Cup II and will be competing at World Cup III in a week.
The Graves lost in the semifinal of the Double Sculls Challenge Cup in 2011 and made the final in 2008. This year also marks the 10 year anniversary the two brothers won the Temple Challenge Cup with Trinity College in the eight.
All Sunday finals will be streamed on the Henley Royal Regatta website.