Fall Fest Farmer Games Recap
A successful chicken catch!
Mid-catch in the Egg Toss
This year’s Fall Fest was host to the inaugural Craftsbury Outdoor Center Farmer Games. A brainchild of rowing coach Steve Whelpley, the games included a wide array of farm-themed challenges that were tackled by seven enthusiastic teams of four competitors. The event started with four shorter challenges each followed by a bonus challenge. The short challenges were scored out of 10 points and ranked by placement based on time. The bonus challenges were all scored slightly differently depending on the nature of the challenge, but each was scored out of 7. Each team progressed through the four shorter challenges before diving into the final relay challenge which was scored out of 30. The challenges were as follows.
Farmer Feat of Quickness: Fence Netting Face-off with a Butter Churning bonus
Farmer Feat of Wisdom: Seed ID with a CSA Portioning bonus
Farmer Feat of Strength: Hay Bale Toss with a Post Bury bonus
Farmer Feat of Agility: Chicken Catching with an Egg Toss bonus (no chickens were harmed)
Team Farmer Relay: rolling a circular hay bale up and down a hill, bucking a log with a crosscut saw, collecting fire building materials while pushing your teammate in a wheelbarrow, building a fire, cooking and eating an egg
While Team Super Dad and the Piston Bulleys had a commanding lead after the first four challenges, they were outperformed in the Team Farmer Relay by the Cocky and Creaky Knees who swept by them to take the overall win. Interestingly the Cocky and Creaky Knees were the only team that didn’t have an individual win in the four shorter challenges or bonuses. Notable wins in the short challenges included the Beety Eyed Peppers in the Hay Bale Toss, Kentucky Fried Chicken in the Fence Netting Face-off, Super Dad and the Piston Bulleys in the Seed ID, Cheez Whiz in the Chicken Catching, State Farm in the Post Bury, and Failed to Choose a Name in the Egg Toss.
Thanks to all our competitors and spectators! And a big thank you to the farmers and friends who generously provided materials for the event: Harry Miller (square hay bales), John Bailey (round hay bale), Adrian Owens and Sterling College (crosscut saw), Neil and Kristin Urie (flexinetting), and Kit Basom (seeds).