Craftsbury Outdoor Center

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Community Arts and Crafts Night on November 21st

Want some extra inspiration and motivation to start a new art project or pull a neglected project off the shelf? On Thursday November 21st there will be a Community Arts and Crafts Night in the Activity Center at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center from 7-9pm. We encourage folks of all skill levels to join in and bring a project to work on whether it’s crocheting, sewing, mending, drawing, knitting, painting, whittling or any other easily transportable non-toxic artistic/crafty activity. Arts and Crafts Night will provide a relaxing environment for you to work on your project, perhaps get some feedback and new ideas, and connect with other folks in the community who share similar interests. Beginners are welcome and some basic instruction is available in knitting, crocheting, and painting if you bring your own supplies. There will be plenty of tables and benches to work at, hot tea, and a fire in the stove. Our hope is to host multiple Arts and Crafts Nights throughout the winter months depending on interest level. At this point remaining dates are TBD. We hope to see you there!