CNSC Juniors Take Top Honors at the Marathon
Griffin and Finn (John Lazenby photo).
A five way hand holding tie! (John Lazenby photo).
Happy campers at the finish line: Miriam and her dad (John Lazenby photo).
Last Updated: 05.Feb.2019
Last weekend was the 38th annual Craftsbury Marathon. This year, the Marathon was a full weekend of racing, which included the traditional classic marathon Saturday as well as an exciting new twist of a freestyle marathon on Sunday! There were approximately 500 unique racers competing across the two days. This is an annual tradition for numerous COC members and a “home” race for many, and in this article we’ll highlight the CNSC juniors and their coaches who competed. We had a large contingent of mini greenies racing each of the distances, from 16k up to 50k.
Saturday brought chilly temps and amazing classic skiing, perfect for one, two, or three loops of the 16k course. The BKL’ers raced one loop for 16k and did so in a speedy fashion! Cormac Leahy led the way, followed by Orion Cenkl in 3rd then Leo Circosta in 4th. Charles Krebs was 5th, with a few diggers due to a misbehaving binding, followed by Owen Jones in 6th. Amelia Circosta was 11th, followed by Anna Isselhardt in 13th. In the finish-of-the-day, Meg Voisin, Anika Leahy, Isabel Linton, Ruth Krebs, and Onion River buddy Anja Rand had a five-way hand holding tie for 17th! Next was Thomas Kehler in 23rd, Marie Voisin in 26th, and Emily Linton and Siri Dunn less than a second apart in 29th and 30th, respectively. Miriam Serota-Winston was 32nd.
The Coach Squad dominated the 33k women’s race, where Audrey Mangan crossed the line first, followed by Anna Schulz in 4th. In the men’s 33k, CNSC alum Anders Hanson crossed the line first, followed by Jack Young in 5th, GRP wax technician/ assistant coach Nick Brown in 6th, and Linden Stelma-Leonard in 16th. Makail Tipton was the lone CNSC junior in the men’s 50k. Here, he finished 24th.
The racing continued on Sunday, with some new snowfall and warmer temperatures. The Sunday race offerings were a 16k and 33k, on the same course but in the reverse direction. In the BKL race, Cormac again was the quickest, followed by Owen in 2nd and Leo in 3rd. Alan Moody was 5th, followed by Amelia in 8th and Sage Grossi in 10th. Linden Van der Linde was 11th and Stella Van der Linde was 12th. In the women’s 16k, Camille Bolduc and Adrienne Remick stood atop the top two steps of the podium. In the men’s 33k, Marathon race director and junior coach Ollie Burruss was 2nd, followed by Nick in 14th. Griffin Wright and Finn Sweet had the finish of the day in 18th and 19th, respectively, crossing the line holding hands.
Results can be found here. Saturday photos here and Sunday photos here.