CNSC Juniors at COC Opener
Many of the Craftsbury juniors kicked off their race seasons Sunday with the Craftsbury Opener. Due to the weather and snow availability, the race weekend was shortened to one exciting race: the Queen’s Court freestyle sprint races. With this format, everyone began the day with a qualifier round. Then, each competitor was grouped into one of 22 heats of six people, based on qualifier time. Unlike traditional sprint heats, no one is eliminated, rather, racers are moved up or down depending on how they finish in their quarter- and semi-final heats. This allows all racers to have three full rounds of racing experience, with others that are a similar speed. Uniquely, the races were all mixed gender, meaning boys and girls got to duke it out with each other-a rarity in the racing world!
You can see the more than two dozen CNSC racers results below. Most racers did the qualifier plus three heats, but some of the younger kids did an age-scaled one or two heats only.
It started to snow! Quincy Massey-Bierman (Photo: Paul Bierman).
CNSC results: Athlete name, qualifier result followed by overall standing at the end of the day. Please note that those without an overall standing completed one or two heats.
Raleigh Goessling-9, 9
Jack Young-11, 12
Greyson Davis-15, 18
Griffin Wright-18, 16
Aiden Casey-19, 25
Makail Tipton-25, 40
Tzevi Schwartz-36, 37
Finn Sweet-45, 31
Orion Cenkl-53, 53
Jasper Henderson-62, 64
Samuel Clark-63, 57
Quincy Massey-Bierman-68, 66
Camille Bolduc-71, 69
Leo Circosta-76
Maggie McGee-79, 79
Adrienne Remick-82, 77
Anika Leahy-91
Anna Isselhardt-103, 91
May Lamb-109
Isabel Linton-112
Ayla Bodach-Turner-113, 105
Linden Osborne-114
Meg Voisin-115
Emily Linton-120
See full results from the day here (currently under ‘live results,’ will soon move to ‘events’ section).
Griffin Wright (bib 60) and Greyson Davis (bib 22) in their semi-final heat (Photo: Paul Bierman).