'21 Winter Fitness Classes


After a successful summer and fall of outdoor classes, our fitness offerings will go on hold during the winter months. We considered the move indoors, but given rising COVID-19 case numbers in Vermont & nationwide, we came to the conclusion that the elevated risk of transmission inside a gym was not one we were willing to take on. Thanks to all who have joined us for outdoor yoga, CraftFit, and CommFit these last few months!

As consolation, coach Jake Barton will continue to offer outdoor CraftFit classes as weather permits until the weather gets truly miserable - 4:00-5:00pm on select Mondays and Thursdays. Interested participants should keep an eye on our website for announcements about the last few classes. Registration will be made available on a week-by-week basis as we take near-term forecasts and conditions into account.

Open Gym: remains on hold due to COVID-19.

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