Training week of 5/8
Hey team,
Nice to see a bunch of you again this past week for training! Here’s what’s up this coming week:
Attendance form! Still gotta do it. We’re getting the link to you in a different way but it actually lives in the SAME SPOT on the interwebs so you can in fact access it however you want.
Training plan: also still in the same place, but also embedded right on the team page.
Schedule tweaks: it seems like more people are able to come Fridays than Thursdays, so we’re swapping those days for the moment (yes, having practice Friday; but not having practice Thursday).
Slack: kindly join this. You don’t need a phone; you don’t need an app; you don’t need to interact with it like social media; you can send notifications however you want. Coaches will use the primary channels to communicate about all kinds of stuff. The invitation is in your email.
Goal-setting: many of you have done this, but if not, fill out this form! And then set up a meeting withs us to discuss. Times for this week are here.
This year, submitting your goals form and then scheduling a review with coaches will be required to participate in training after June 1. Not kidding.
Spring/summer program registration: lots of you have done this and that’s great! If not, please do sooner rather than later if possible.
Rollerskis: you’re gonna need some for the summer. You’ve got an email with all the details and we’ll repost on our club page soon.
See you and one billion black flies this week.