Training week of 11/11
Attendance form if you all do this for any one week for the whole year, we’ll have a party
Headlamps: get one. Bring it to practice.
important dates: We're adding events/dates to our club event calendar, to which you can easily navigate from the sidebar of this "club updates" page we stick in your face every week--but it's also right here: Dates of note that are coming up pretty fast:
Sunday, November 17th @ 12noon: kickoff potluck and team meetings for Junior and U14 programs (skiers + parents)
Tuesday, December 3rd @ 5pm: kickoff potluck and team meetings for BKL programs (skiers + parents)
Sunday, December 15th @ 4:30pm: kickoff potluck/social/info session for all adult/masters programs (spouses, etc. welcome, and we'll probably have an optional ski beforehand)
Junior/U14/BKL rental equipment: get on it! Info here. Please make note of the fitting date you select and put it in your calendars.
Uniforms/jackets/vests: uniform/jacket/biathlon vest rentals: are now live, in the same place you ordered equipment (here). Those of you who wish to purchase your own uniform/jacket/biathlon vest can do so directly from Podiumwear for another few days here.
Waitlists: still a thing; still worthwhile.
Potluck & team meeting Sunday: on Sunday 11/17 at 12 noon we’ll get together to eat some food and talk about the upcoming season. This is for all Juniors, U14s, and any family members who wish to join (and it’s a great time for parents to come ask questions). Please bring a dish to share. Attendance is required unless there are extenuating circumstances—reach out to coaches if you cannot make it.
New faces: ask questions! We get stuck in our own world/lingo and forget it’s not ubiquitous. If you don’t know what something is (“L3?!”) or how something works, ask us. We don’t bite, I promise.
Looking ahead: Here are all the details that exist so far re: the Eastern Cup schedule & Craftsbury’s team travel plans.
Great work to all who came to Belvidere today! Kind of a wild way to dive in but you crushed it.
We’re onto the winter schedule! That means there are practice options 5 days/week. You’re all signed up for varying levels of participation. That said, there’s some wiggle room there: if you you’re signed up for 2 days/week and can come 3 days one week but only 1 day the next, that’s all good. We’re looking at an average ish across the season.
Potluck & team meeting Sunday: on Sunday 11/17 at 12 noon we’ll get together to eat some food and talk about the upcoming season. This is for all Juniors, U14s, and any family members who wish to join (and it’s a great time for parents to come ask questions). Please bring a dish to share. Attendance is required unless there are extenuating circumstances—reach out to coaches if you cannot make it.
New faces: ask questions! We get stuck in our own world/lingo and forget it’s not ubiquitous. If you don’t know what something is (“L3?!”) or how something works, ask us. We don’t bite, I promise.
JR/U14 practice on Sunday is pushed a teeny bit later to account for the morning workout. But since you’re all having lunch here anyway that shouldn’t matter, eh?
Read this for info about racing this winter: Biathlon race opportunities 2024-25.
Club Kick Off Meeting Summary: Lots of helpful info and overview about the winter here.
Keep an eye on the training plan and Slack, as that’s where we’ll post/send updates.
‘tis the season for intervals of all flavors.