Favorite Workout: Winter Training for Trail Runners

by GRP Trail Runner Mead Binhammer

Winter is here in Vermont and with it, my focus changes when it comes to training. No longer am I thinking in “blocks”, with each training run geared towards a specific race, FKT, or goal. In fact, I try not to put anything too competitive on the calendar until spring, which means winter training has a different flavor to it. 

Some will say that evolutionarily, bears, marmots, and bats teach us that winter is a time for slumber. A time to rest, relax and not worry about training at all. Wait for spring, when the weather warms and the days are longer, they say. While that might be true for some of the nastiest winter days, I contest that as a trail runner, it’s great to use this season as a base-building phase. Making room for fun days in the snow and activities that fill my proverbial cup with joy and help prevent injury when the miles begin to stack up come the spring equinox. While I like to keep up some running volume to keep my muscles and joints strong (and to remember the sensation), I take the opportunity in winter to shift a lot of my training to other activities. So what should you, as a runner, prioritize during winter? Here are two simple recommendations:

1) Prioritize winter activities that inspire you to get outside

For me, that’s ski touring, ice skating, nordic skiing, snowshoeing and winter hiking. These activities get me out the door on the coldest days, bundled up and excited to explore the winter world around me. I don’t intentionally engage in much intensity during these activities, but they help to build my aerobic base and strengthen different muscles that don’t get used during a normal block of running mileage. Whether it’s spending a few hours ski touring or playing a game of pond hockey at the local ice sheet, all this training counts. The more hours you spend at a low or medium heart rate (Zone 1 or Zone 2, for those who think in those terms), the stronger your aerobic base will be, and the faster you’ll be able to acclimatize to big running volume in the spring and summer. Additionally, being active and having fun outside can help to combat seasonal depression and keep you inspired through the darkest months of the year. Many winter activities (just given the fact that they include slogging through the heavy, soft, snow) are also more strength-based than summer running. These strength gains can be noticeable when you go to climb that first snowless peak of the spring, and they can also help to prevent injury through your summer season. 

2) Prioritize strength training and injury prevention

Many runners neglect strength training during the summer months, as the running volume can take up so much time that it just doesn’t fit into the weekly schedule. That said, winter is a time to prioritize this work. Get into a simple routine of 2-3 days a week of strength training, focusing on overall strength, mobility, and stability. You don’t necessarily need access to a gym to do this, and can focus on bodyweight exercises such as lunges, crunches, planks, and single leg step ups. If you need ideas for exercises, check out any of the “moves of the month” such as the most recent one on core movements. That said, if access to a gym helps to motivate you, this can be a great time to get accustomed to free weights and it can also give you a way to get out of the house and avoid the dreaded cabin fever. I make it my routine to spend ~45 minutes in the gym 3 times per week in the winter, focusing on single leg strength, core stability, and hip and back mobility. 

Remember, winter training counts! Find an activity that keeps you motivated to train on the coldest days of the year (looking at you, -10 windchill) and stick to it. Use winter as an opportunity to address weaknesses, build your base, and prepare yourself for a great season on the trails!