Virtual Community Fitness. Workout #7
In this week’s workout, we take a little diversion from our usual circuit workout for a ladder style workout. As usual, we’ll begin with some warmup activities. Next, we’ll do a standing core stability section. These exercises are designed to target the core area, but because they are done standing, they have the added bonus of improving your stability and balance. Our third section will be the ladder, in place of the regular circuit. Here, we’ll do specified exercises in an increasing then decreasing rep scheme, rather than each exercise performed for a certain amount of time. We’ll wrap up with some stretching. Here is the instructional video. Remember, I only show you the exercises, I don’t do the whole workout with you.
Get ready!
1. High knees
2. Butt kicks
3. Open the gate
4. Close the gate
5. Inch worm
Standing Stability and Core. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds of rest
1. Knees to elbow alternating sides
2. Cross body toe touch
3. Alternating sumo crunch
4. Step back front kick
5. Warrior balance
6. Chair pose with twist
7. Squat leg lift twist
8. Side bend
9. Squat side punch
Chair pose with twist
Warrior balance
5 jumping jacks
10 air squats
15 pushups
20 lunges (total)
25 kayakers
30 seconds wall sit
25 kayakers
20 lunges (total)
15 pushups
10 air squats
5 jumping jacks
5 jumping jacks to kick off the ladder and wrap it up too
1. Child’s pose
2. Cobra
3. Cat/cow
4. Sitting hip stretch
5. Leg hugs/lower back stretch
6. Oblique stretch
7. Wide leg standing forward fold
Sitting hip stretch