Virtual Community Fitness. Workout #6.
Another week, another living room workout! This one features a warmup, core block, circuit, and stretching cool down. The exciting part of this workout is the suggestion of water bottles for some of the arm exercises. This is a way to add weight and difficulty to a workout with no special tools required! Of course, you can also do it weight-free to focus on mobility.
Here’s the instructional video.
A new one! The toe to hand dance! (I didn’t just make it up, I promise).
Warmup. 30ish seconds of each exercise.
1. High knees
2. Butt kicks
3. Tin soldiers
4. Karaoke
5. Open the gate
6. Close the gate
7. Toe to hand dance
8. Arm circles
Leg lifts
Core. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
1. Plank up down
2. Bridge
3. Leg raises
4. Swimmers
5. Figure four left
6. Figure four right
7. Peeing dog
8. Flutter kicks
Chest fly
Circuit. 3 or 4 times through. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.
1. Wall sit with calf raises
2. Back fly (water bottle)
3. Side lunge with toe touch
4. Plank with reach
5. Single leg deadlift (water bottle)
6. Bent over row (water bottle)
7. Chest press (water bottle)
8. Chest fly (water bottle)
Forward bend
1. Knees to chest
2. Happy baby
3. Supine twist
4. Butterfly
5. Forward bend
6. Wide leg forward bend
7. Cross arm
8. Quad strength
9. Wide leg forward fold
Happy strengthening!