Virtual Community Fitness
Welcome to the first virtual installment of our weekly Community Fitness class. During normal times, this is a community class that meets weekly on Monday evenings. During these unusual times, we are launching a virtual series that will have a new workout posted (ideally) each Monday. This class is designed for individuals of all ages and fitness abilities who are looking to become more balanced and stronger. The hallmark of this class is a circuit, bookended by warmup and cooldown exercises.
Our virtual classes will contain a written workout and an accompanying instructional video. The workout is designed to be done at home, with no gym equipment required. The video, which is very clearly a backyard production, is meant to help explain the exercises. I don’t do the whole workout with you, so that you are able to do it at your own pace. Watch the video explanations then do the workout, checking back if you need to. Finish with stretching, which I also don’t demonstrate in the video, but there are some suggestions at the end of this post. Remember to listen to your body while performing these exercises and do not do anything that hurts. Have fun and get strong!Here’s the video.
Do these exercises over approximately 15 feet or 30 seconds..
1. Walking high knees
2. Walking butt kicks
3. Open the gate
4. Close the gate
Balance game:
Pickup sticks. Pick up and put down three objects (water bottles) in a semi-circle around you. Raise above head for added difficulty. Do first on the left foot, then on the right foot. Repeat three times per leg.
Pickup sticks (or water bottles!).
Standing Core:
2 times through. 10 each side.
1. Side bends
2. Monkey dance
3. Cross body toe touch
4. Sumo squat alternating toe touch
5. Chair pose twists
45 seconds on, 15 seconds of recovery. Rest for 3 minutes in between each circuit. Repeat the whole circuit 3 or 4 times.
1. Air squat
2. Pushups
3. Glute bridge with alternating leg raise
4. Side lunge with toe touch
5. Mountain climbers
6. Dips
7. Windshield wipers
8. Swimmers
Thanks to Pinterest for this diagram.
Have fun!